

主演:吉尔·贝罗斯,Crystal Fox,瑞谢尔·班诺,Sam Duke,泰·伍德 Ty Wood,Lauralee Bell,娜奥米·贾德,Karina Banno,薇娜·苏德,舍治·哈德,Duncan Ollerenshaw,Paula Giroday,鲍勃·弗雷泽,Liza Huget,马克-安东尼·马西亚,丹尼斯·科贝特,约兰达·科贝特






  Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her loving Grandmère Catherine (Judd). Ruby is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweetheart Paul Tate (Duke), but lingering thoughts of her mysterious father and her mother's death often creep into Ruby's mind. As dark family secrets begin to reveal themselves when Paul's parents forbid him from seeing Ruby, Ruby is further devastated when her beloved Grandmère passes away. Forced to flee to New Orleans from the bayou, Ruby searches for her estranged father (Bellows), one of the richest men in the city, as she clings to her memories of Paul and their forbidden love.问题餐厅最后一眼2021巧克力非快速眼动之窗 2024 春赢取女孩爱尔兰黑帮雷霆女神血腥圣诞节生态箱终点站-曙光号特快之恋巴特拉事件不速之客1979大佬魔鬼营业员琴场高手之灵魂暴走无声的证言第二十二季星光灿烂皮囊之下京武春秋苏姗娜的故事1963教室的那一间 第三季太平洋幽灵高级项目辣手回春粤语安娜的旅程末日崩塌国语我爱你2020龙门金剑迷雾中的孩子青春冒险王212号房间星星之火情劫第一季黑白森林乐意为人我的美丽王国激情年代街区大作战安全至下爸爸很漂亮

