












当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.1当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.2当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.3当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.4当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.5当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.6当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.13当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.14当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.15当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.16当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.17当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.18当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.19当我们仰望天空时看见什么? 剧照 NO.20


格鲁吉亚库塔伊西一所学校门口的偶遇。Lisa和Giorgi撞到了一起,一本书掉在了地上。他们显然晕头转向,甚至没有告诉对方自己的名字,就安排了一次约会。这是一见钟情,就像被施了魔法一样,一切都开始变得生动起来:监控摄像头变成了邪恶的眼睛,排水管变成了神谕,他们闭上眼睛,然后-叮!这对恋人被诅咒了,注定第二天醒来后面目全非。但是,正是这个阻碍他们再次相遇的超自然障碍,成为他们进入一个完全由日常生活的魔力所统治的世界的门票-以简单的美、温柔的喜剧和对足球的热情,感染了年轻人和老年人,甚至是痰多的街边狗瓦尔迪。一夜新娘 第二季红色银行杀手的情书多明 第二季包青天之开封奇案死亡之间夏日夏夜阴阳美人棺SideBySide身旁的人不可思异少年进城闯天下后会有期2011白乌鸦铁血独立营从头再来2003网络陷阱:错误的爱路~台湾特快~大鹰啸攻略陛下100次在这里人性实验室草原儿女石花园网上怪谈小阴谋大爱情生活大爆炸 第一季我的母亲19号消防局第一季茶亦有道复仇之焰2023遁入江湖疯狂的心天才不能承受之重心动的颜执厨师、窃贼、他的妻子和她的情人囧村逃亡2流水落花迷墙1982人咬狗病毒32大破阵枪声富二代2


 1 ) 仰望天空的时候看见天空还不够吗

因为看的是平遥首映场,所以能够看到导演录下的映前视频。 视频里,一张看起来柔软舒适的扶手沙发,一个洁白的看起来很先进的电暖气,一个男人带着口音的英语声音。 情节和环境都有了,只是没有人物。 “你知道的,我们每个人都有隐形的时候,只不过你们刚好遇到了我隐形的时候。”导演的声音回旋在小城之春的影厅里,我在黑暗中听到了观众们的轻笑。 也是第一次在导演的视频里见不到导演呢。 真是个有趣的人。 说回电影吧。 黑色幽默伴着离奇的故事延展,节奏缓慢,但从不缺惊喜的设定与细节的安排。 比如狗狗瓦迪和他朋友们的故事,童话式地在库塔伊西镇这片真实的土地上用狗狗的小脑瓜思考哪里是看球的最佳去处。 而最令我动容的,是瓦迪宁愿没有朋友陪着也要去剧院后面看球,因为这是传统。狗狗都有一个信守的念想,可往往活着的恶人们却都没有。 也许是我的幻觉,我总觉得整个故事的风格与叙述方式非常的法式,我甚至在观影过程中脑子里闪过了《天使爱美丽》的画面。 对我而言,这部电影最大的亮点必然是音乐,没有之一。音乐像是这部影片的船锚,音乐起了,影片的情绪与色彩也就跟着飘起来了。 竖琴的弹拨让灵动奇幻的氛围感包裹着屏幕,随后又注入双簧管作为铺陈,现实的故事就这样在格鲁吉亚缓缓启幕。 最后的最后,旁白说,这就是个离奇的故事,它其实有很多不合理的地方,它离奇它对社会毫无作用,但是在世界上,这样离奇的事情就是每时每刻都在发生。



 2 ) "有哪一个地方不发生美妙的匪夷所思的事情呢"

说实在的 我需要一部这样的作品

假设每一部电影都是有性格的 那对于近期很浮躁的我来说 这部电影就是适合的 是作为平息浮躁的媒介出现的 于我而言 它是那种讲了什么故事不重要 但是安安静静沉浸其中 平和地看完就好的电影

重要的是"感觉" 你在看的过程中感受到了什么

比如我不会去探究瓦尔迪和默茨卡拉两只狗狗相约去看世界杯开幕式这件事情 导演想表达什么 探究现实与奇幻在影片中的关系等等 这些我都不会去做 看到这类情节我丝毫不会怀疑和试图去做出解释 而是认为在导演塑造的影片世界里 在格鲁吉亚的库塔伊西 这件事情就是不突兀的

比如有路人来借鱼线还是什么线 他们玩着线笑的很开心 这份开心感染了男女主 当下的我看到那几张笑脸 即使在屏幕之外也被感染了

比如店老板和男主一起去搬东西的时候对于是否把蓝色的一面放到下面而有了不同的意见 但是彼此平和地沟通 "我会重视你的意见 也许是我错了 但也许是你错了 我们可以一起在看看" 如果世界上的每份沟通都能像这样该多好呢

还有一个情节是 有几个人来买冰淇淋 但是要等上一个小时 但是他们愿意等 当下的我想到的是 我也会愿意等 不仅仅是一句空话 而是在无数次的选择里被证实了的我的选择 在那一刻也意识到了 我想要找的同行的人 也是会选择"愿意等"的那个人 这个决定背后蕴涵了数不清的生活态度和选择 你很难通过众多线索去辨别 但只要把ta置身于这种情形下 ta的选择便会告诉你所有的一切 即使不延伸那么多 为了美食我总是愿意等的 这个美食不仅仅指好吃的食物 还有生活里许许多多美好的得到了/做到了就会让我快乐让我感到值得的事物 因为这一份情绪对于我很重要 不是别的随随便便的替代品可以打发的

 3 ) 仰望天空时——关于热爱生活的理想主义







<02:26:06> : “Such things do happen, rarely – but they do.” (9.5/10.0)

 4 ) 聚焦背景虚化你

简介就很引人入胜! 好电影可以不讲故事,但好电影一定有故事。 看简介以为是个魔幻的爱情故事,从城市出发去寻找生活的意义。根本不是。 影片并不简单围绕丽莎和乔治的爱情展开,里面什么镜头都有,我想这才是电影的样子。生活不是故事,爱情之外还有很多东西,固然电影作为一个载体要尽可能集中地强调矛盾冲突,总是这样强调也是不对的,那样偏离生活。浪漫之外,我们还有世界要去认识。 故事的确很魔幻,从生活中脱化出的魔幻,足球,工作,外貌,人际关系,咒术,灾难,等等这些都是一个世界里真实存在的,电影一般忽略掉这些与推动情节渲染气氛无关的东西,但在这部片子里它们被强调。 每一个镜头都很好看! 我们仰望天空时看见什么?不只有爱情和星空,还有任何肉眼可见的事物,飞鸟飞机纤尘吹过的气球垃圾,这才是生活的浪漫,你不抬头,你都不知道天上会看到什么。


 5 ) 生活中的无用之用


 6 ) 专访导演(科贝里泽)英版原文





In PingYao International Film Festival, the introduction of your film and some of the behaviors in the film are very interesting. You are always an «absent presence» to remind the audience that although you did not appear, you emphasize it is absolutely your own artistic work. Is this interesting interaction a little joke you made to the audience? Or do you want to remind the audience of some other meanings ?

Now I’m working on a film with an invisible character, a man with no body but with a voice and I try to understand how I shall film him. I intend to film this character exactly the way I film the other ‘visible’ ones but I still don’t know how it will work and if it’s possible so every time I have a possibility to try things out I try to do it. Also I had a feeling not being visible in front of the camera.


Actually, for the audience, if you don’t know enough about the global history, intellectual history, civilization history, football history, and the common sense of the 20th century, it’s difficult to fully understand some of your ideas in the film. Then after watching the film, we have to go to make up the lesson in order to better understand your meaning. Do you think the audience will have some kind of loss or other feelings because they don’t understand your film?

Myself I’m definitely not an intellectual, I consider most of the people smarter and better educated than I am so I don’t think anyone will have a problem to understand the film I made. Filmmakers thinking they are smarter than the people who will watch their film make mostly terrible films.
There are films made in Hollywood for example, you watch them and you feel insulted because you feel people behind this film consider you as dumb and silly person but in the end it’s always other way around.


What emotion do you most want to express to the audience? My understanding is the importance of “love”. And you are a great director, even if these details are not familiar to the public , we can still feel your charm as an auteur-director.

I can’t say I know from the beginning exact emotions or ideas I want to share with the film. Of course there are some, but as I have experienced it, sometimes you think that you feel and think one thing but actually it’s completely different – and when you make a film that’s what you learn, you may think you want to make a comedy with fun and happiness but it’s full of sadness or the other way around – so it’s about trust, you have to trust the work you do.


About cinematography: you use a lot of close shot and close-up in the film, although it looks like a zoom-in to some extent, but it actually gives people a feeling of paying attention to the portrait itself, very close to the person. But the perspective has always been polite and objective. Is this the attitude you maintain in filming? An attitude of keeping a proper distance from the subject.

I think the distance is one of the most important tools while making a film. Let`s say physical distance - however do you go to the object or person you are filming physically is a decision which defines the character of the film, no_t_ only this of course but it makes big difference.
When you show a close up or detail - you go with the camera and near or do you use a lens which allows you to stay bit away, this kind of decision is not only about how sharp or not sharp the background than appears and not only the feeling of being in the scene or being a spectator of the scene — it‘s also always a statement from the filmmakers — and there is no right or wrong, you just have to find your own distance.


About the experience of watching the film: does the cue tone “close your eyes-3, 2, 1-open your eyes” put the audience into the dream of the movie or in reality?

I have not thought about it this way — but I like it. You close your eyes here and open them somewhere else. Here Leo Messi still has only World Cup Silver — there it‘s Gold, here it’s hard to get your photo developed in Kutaisi — there we have a laboratory to develop 16mm film in the same town..
I have to think more about the concept you propose. For me it was a game, a way to start a game with the audience, to go back to the time when cinema was related to magic and all the spectators felt like children.


About the symbol of “football”: For Chinese audiences, they do not know much about the history of Georgia and its neighboring countries, but they do know a little about football. In the film, you treat football and football match as a big environment and event concerned by the collective, while emphasizing more on emotions between individuals. Does the «football» in the film have more symbols of the times and group significance?


In this film, I can find some echoes of familiar texts. For example, the scene where an actor and an actress meet at a crossroads reminds me of poet Wislawa Szymborska’s poems like Love at First sight. A famous Chinese painter once drew a cartoon entitled Walk Left, Walk Right based on this poem.

The whole shot is so beautiful and poetic. In addition, the use of anthropomorphic objects in the film also enriched the color of some «surrealist» style. But it’s worth noting that the film’s tone is both realistic and fantastic. Do you find it’s contradictory? Or are you waiting for the audience to discover your design?

It is interesting that you mention Wislawa Szymborska. In Kutaisi, in the city where we made the film, on Galaktion Tabidze street you will find her poem written on the wall. That’s how I discovered her months before we started to shoot and I think it was important for the film.
Now as you mention her name I understand how things invade you, become part of your life and even part of things you do without you consciously planning it. Where can I find the painting - Walk Left, Walk Right?
My Idea while making the film was to give a space to things happenings, occasions which are considered unusual or impossible nowadays. All the things which seem to be magical are meant to be real – I don’t ask a tree to speak in my film because I want it to be a symbol for something else – it-’s- speaks in the film only because it can speak in our world to – I have never heard it but means nothing.


Could you explain the meaning of the film’s title? My personal understanding is: the sky is something shared by all mankind, just as «love» is an emotion felt by people all over the world?

Always when Leo Messi scores a goal he looks to the sky, I was always impressed by this gesture and his connection to the world above us. He has his own reasons to look up and so does everyone. It is a universal gesture with very private experience.
For ages people were looking to the sky and seeing different things – now we are given in the school very precise answers about what is up there but my feeling is it will change again.

【9】-(未回答 其实也不用答 完美忽略我的废话问题 默契)

Do you know much about the young directors in China? Which Chinese director’s works do you like best?


Is there any sequential connection between your new work and your previous works? We are really looking forward to seeing the previous works.

While doing this film I tried to make a distance to the previous one, there is always a danger that you will find a comfortable way of working and start to repeat yourself but I also did not wanted to forbid myself something so I just decided to follow the wishes I had and now I see that there are more similarities between two films than I had planned but I also have no Problem with it – the film is very personal and apparently that is the way I feel in the very moment, I could make it differently but this is more sincere – sincere towards myself.


It can be inferred from your work that you are familiar with film language, and you have a solid foundation of film history. When I watched it, I felt that you were trying to subvert the entirety of the form and take the film language as the representative of the language system. Can we understand it this way?

I have always loved watching films but I am not a cinephile, I have seen some films but there are films someone who makes films has to have seen and I have not made it yet - I know many people around me who have seen and watch now more than me.
For me filmmaking has become the way of living, that‘s what I do — I make films and I try to understand how it works, I have some tools and some knowledge, some experience but not much of any of it yet - so I make films and through doing it I try to understand it what it really means.


The film is filled with many local compositions, and a large number of close-up shots and Close shots, which reflects a seemingly dynamic but static beauty. It feels like a return to the montage trend of early film history, and I personally use a word to describe it — 「photo montage」.

This is meant to emphasize the sense of photography, stillness, and immersion of a single frame/single shot, which together coherently make up countless paragraphs of the film. Together with the sound, the unique appearance form of this film is achieved, which will give people a real and cordial feeling of watching the film. Do you intend to return the freedom and randomness of film creation?

I have a feeling that in first few years, when people started to make films in the beginning of the past century everything what can be done with a film was done. The thing is sometimes it‘s hidden, sometimes it’s just a second. It is so concentrated if you don‘t look very very closely it’s impossible to see.
So they did everything - it‘s like they (the early filmmakers) planted a tree and this tree started to grow and it could have had many, hundreds of branches but the Industry started to follow only one branch saying this is cinema and everything else is everything what you want but not cinema, they call it experimental cinema, art house, autore cinema - and by doing it they exclude all the forms which don’t suit the hipe out of the daily life everything what does not have the usual length and does not tell a well understandable story is considerd to be less cinema, to be something strange, some kind of a monster - but we know this kind of mainstream cine is only one small branch of a huge tree, it is not even a big branch and it‘s important to climb all over this tree go also to the top of the tree that’s where you can see from that there are other trees too.


Would you like to share with the audience some things that impressed you during the filming of this film?

I was doing my previous film almost alone, this one we did in a bigger group and the difference is huge. I love both but before starting this one I had some concerns - regarding the possibility of making something personal while not being alone - apparently it‘s possible.
Not just possible but it can be very beautiful when few people work together, everyone puts his or her personal and private things in the film and in the end it all can be one thing - one film.


Do you think our way of «close reading» runs counter to your original intention of making this film?

I was touched by the way you thought about the film and I think I have learned some new things about it so - thank you.




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D+/ 爱情从相遇中开始,还是经过无数的中介、从被第三只眼“看到”开始?一种经坦诚裁剪的、如透明迷宫般的叙述,但还是觉得一个半小时就看到尽头了。不明白的还是,指认关于“日常生活”和“灾难”之间的断裂有何意义?创作者对这个问题是完全无力的,不知道提出来干嘛……但我们又显然不会对《花样年华》的结尾提出这样的疑问。因为王家卫不会把“日常生活”当做一个彻底真实的平面,他只会假意浸入其中,然后通过虚构到真实的突转,揭示出其瓦解的、摇摇欲坠的命运。

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#71st Berlianle# 主竞赛-费比西。9分,因为真的很讨喜还是打五星吧。被诅咒的恋人,要靠电影拯救;世界杯的那个夏天,狗狗们也会看球,而在电影里,拥有梅西的阿根廷队3-1获得了冠军。这部电影非常之“可爱”,完全可以翻成“库塔伊西童话”这样的片名,因为片子的剧情和叙事旁白都很像童话。导演延续了前作中的“有声默片”手法,不少完全是使用默片技巧的段落,能看出一部分视觉来源是布列松,影片气质也让人想起伊奥塞利阿尼。这个故事有些辛波斯卡《一见钟情》的意思,也会想到《向左走向右走》。不过政治层面的东西藏得比较深了……

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84/100 #MIFF2021# 想到最近重新对阿巴斯电影的关注(虽然放在一起说起来本片还是显得繁杂),始终在追问电影为何物,其意义在何处。当我们观看教练指导球员时使用语言的方式是否看到了一些音乐性,然后我们就看到镜头被切到了下一场的歌唱,恍惚间我们重新问起自己起初在看什么以及最后看见什么?电影作为引导观看和聆听的媒介工具,指导我们在平凡中发现魔法、诗、童话及各种可能的音乐性。一切渺小的事物构成了我们是谁,哪怕从局部的身体入手,构成幻想的可能性与电影中才有的小型乌托邦,变焦则是一种非常可触的方法和隐喻,在当下的现实已被诸多因素如暴力和外在喧嚣的影响裹挟之下,重新认真观看变得尤为重要。#2022.09.25@蛋清放映#

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