

主演:亚历克斯·鲁茨,安德烈·杜索里埃,Laura Sepul,Vallier Vaudin,Suzanne Queau Picard,Jules Marchand,Christophe Sardain,Chantal Ravalec,Nganji Mutiri,Sophie Parel,Alexandre Collado,Elodie Charmensat,Alexis Delong,Martin Luminet,David Enfrein






  Disaster movies tend to inhabit the close-but-not-too-close realm of the ‘what if?’, but Quentin Reynaud’s taut drama evokes a reality that is painfully immediate, as the world combusts around us. Alex Lutz (recently seen as the son in Gaspar Noé’s Vortex) plays a man determined to escape with his elderly father (the ineffable André Dussollier) from a wildfire that is rapidly approaching their forested area of southern France.  The pair know all the local roads, and the secret detours, but when they are caught in a dead end, they seem to be running out of possible exits. At once road movie, claustrophobic jeopardy thriller and portrait of a prickly but tender father-son relationship, this finely acted and executed film expertly lays on the heat.镇魂曲之九霄琴暗斗停止甜蜜宝贝医院的治疗方法~Doctor有原的挑战~德拉克的回归卡推女王风雪大别山亡命之旅迈克·艾普斯:印第安纳的迈克入地无门不灭之光搏击者龙城正月父亲的信徒魅醒时分(国语版)紫禁城奇恋打铜锣、补锅地狱男爵2:黄金军团老师不是人诱僧房屋整理专家第二季行运百分百小戏骨黄飞鸿后翼弃兵第一季互联网兴亡记你情我愿(粤语)神奇的火岛爱情好友请求胜利之歌第三季我心灿烂王志文版零点爆破伟大的礼物骷髅13 九龙之首东方剑美食不美第一季天狐入侵马略卡档案第一季赢家美国骗局隐患 ~掌控黑钱的男人~

